Player Information for 'blazman'

Below are the details for player blazman.

Overall Summary for All Seasons
Tournaments Played:35    
Total $ Won:$425.66 
Net $ Won:$185.56 
Average Finish:35.43 
Average % Finish:39.32%
Final Tables:7    
Short Handed:5    
Heads Up:1    
Bananas (wins):1    
Average Points:22.62 
Season Summary Information
Season Rank Points Total $ Won Net $ Won %ROI # of Cashes # Played Final Tables Short Handed Heads Up Wins
View Charts AIPS I 37 72.47 $39.05 $28.05 255.00% 1 2 1 1 0 0
View Charts AIPS II 2 385.51 $242.15 $155.65 179.94% 4 12 3 2 1 1
View Charts AIPS III 23 172.30 $92.18 $16.68 22.09% 2 9 2 1 0 0
View Charts AIPS IV 28 161.38 $52.28 ($3.82) -6.81% 3 10 1 1 0 0
View Charts AIPS V 0.00 $0.00 ($11.00) -100.00% 0 2 0 0 0 0
View Charts Overall 8 791.66 $425.66 $185.56 77.28% 10 35 7 5 1 1
All Tournament Results for blazman
Tourament Date Season Tourament Description Tourament ID Finish    $ Won   POY Points
09/21/2006 9:00 PM AIPS I #1 - NLHE 6593153 93 $0.00 0.00
10/26/2006 9:00 PM AIPS I #8 - Limit Hold'Em 6593245 4 $39.05 72.47
01/27/2007 12:00 PM AIPS II #1 - NLHE 10828819 1 $149.85 181.23
02/15/2007 9:00 PM AIPS II #2 - Stud 12561120 3 $58.50 94.22
03/10/2007 12:00 PM AIPS II #3 - PLO 14164302 5 $26.00 62.02
04/26/2007 9:00 PM AIPS II #4 - Razz 15210499 60 $0.00 0.00
05/17/2007 9:00 PM AIPS II #5 - NLHE 6 Max 17563268 37 $0.00 0.00
06/09/2007 12:00 PM AIPS II #6 - Omaha/8 18848391 43 $0.00 0.00
07/19/2007 9:00 PM AIPS II #7 - PLHE 20580932 17 $0.00 0.00
08/23/2007 9:00 PM AIPS II #8 - Stud/8 22862528 10 $7.80 48.04
09/27/2007 9:00 PM AIPS II #9 - Limit Hold'Em 25837404 76 $0.00 0.00
10/25/2007 9:00 PM AIPS II #10 - PLO8 28031184 60 $0.00 0.00
11/15/2007 9:00 PM AIPS II #11 - HORSE 30641960 40 $0.00 0.00
12/15/2007 12:00 PM AIPS II #12 - NLHE 30641961 73 $0.00 0.00
01/17/2008 9:00 PM AIPS III #1 - Limit Hold'Em 35553989 3 $81.38 123.64
02/21/2008 9:00 PM AIPS III #2 - Stud 37408125 71 $0.00 0.00
04/26/2008 9:00 PM AIPS III #4 - PLO 44257276 9 $10.80 48.65
07/26/2008 12:00 PM AIPS III #7 - PLHE / PLO 53129691 50 $0.00 0.00
08/28/2008 9:00 PM AIPS III #8 - Stud/8 56226684 50 $0.00 0.00
09/18/2008 9:00 PM AIPS III #9 - NLHE 6 Max 60037980 28 $0.00 0.00
10/23/2008 9:00 PM AIPS III #10 - Omaha/8 61888878 38 $0.00 0.00
11/20/2008 9:00 PM AIPS III #11 - NLHE Deep Stacks 66579182 49 $0.00 0.00
12/18/2008 9:00 PM AIPS III #12 - HORSE 66583102 16 $0.00 0.00
02/11/2009 9:00 PM AIPS IV #1 - NLHE 136746951 26 $8.40 43.73
03/11/2009 9:00 PM AIPS IV #2 - PLO 136747950 26 $0.00 0.00
04/08/2009 9:00 PM AIPS IV #3 - Stud 136748015 78 $0.00 0.00
05/13/2009 9:00 PM AIPS IV #4 - Limit Hold'Em 136748047 35 $0.00 0.00
06/10/2009 9:00 PM AIPS IV #5 - 8 Game Mix 136748169 35 $0.00 0.00
07/15/2009 9:00 PM AIPS IV #6 - Stud/8 136748192 4 $40.38 79.30
08/12/2009 9:00 PM AIPS IV #7 - NLHE w/Rebuys 136748226 28 $3.50 38.36
09/09/2009 9:00 PM AIPS IV #8 - Omaha/8 136748247 38 $0.00 0.00
11/11/2009 9:00 PM AIPS IV #10 - NLHE Heads Up 136748600 33 $0.00 0.00
01/13/2010 9:00 PM AIPS IV #11 - Badugi 136748325 58 $0.00 0.00
02/27/2010 12:00 PM AIPS V #2 - NLHE 239098255 26 $0.00 0.00
07/14/2010 9:00 PM AIPS V #11 - NLHE w/Rebuys 278583178 17 $0.00 0.00