Player Information for 'edwardm111'

Below are the details for player edwardm111.

Overall Summary for All Seasons
Tournaments Played:26    
Total $ Won:$454.58 
Net $ Won:$306.08 
Average Finish:18.19 
Average % Finish:38.93%
Final Tables:8    
Short Handed:6    
Heads Up:5    
Bananas (wins):4    
Average Points:28.10 
Season Summary Information
Season Rank Points Total $ Won Net $ Won %ROI # of Cashes # Played Final Tables Short Handed Heads Up Wins
View Charts AIPS IV 48 91.02 $42.00 $25.50 154.55% 1 2 1 0 0 0
View Charts AIPS V 1 639.62 $412.58 $286.08 226.15% 6 23 7 6 5 4
View Charts AIPS VI 0.00 $0.00 ($5.50) -100.00% 0 1 0 0 0 0
View Charts Overall 12 730.65 $454.58 $306.08 206.11% 7 26 8 6 5 4
All Tournament Results for edwardm111
Tourament Date Season Tourament Description Tourament ID Finish    $ Won   POY Points
02/11/2009 9:00 PM AIPS IV #1 - NLHE 136746951 6 $42.00 91.02
06/10/2009 9:00 PM AIPS IV #5 - 8 Game Mix 136748169 49 $0.00 0.00
02/27/2010 12:00 PM AIPS V #2 - NLHE 239098255 1 $75.86 110.14
03/10/2010 9:00 PM AIPS V #3 - NLHE 248452526 1 $93.50 141.85
03/27/2010 12:00 PM AIPS V #4 - PLO 248463872 6 $0.00 0.00
04/07/2010 9:00 PM AIPS V #5 - Badugi 258239680 1 $74.00 108.79
04/24/2010 12:00 PM AIPS V #6 - NLHE 6-Max 258250125 31 $0.00 0.00
05/12/2010 9:00 PM AIPS V #7 - NLHE 269395031 1 $85.52 129.87
05/29/2010 12:00 PM AIPS V #8 - Razz 273786256 19 $0.00 0.00
06/09/2010 9:00 PM AIPS V #9 - Limit Hold'Em 278580639 35 $0.00 0.00
06/26/2010 12:00 PM AIPS V #10 - NLHE 278581870 23 $0.00 0.00
07/14/2010 9:00 PM AIPS V #11 - NLHE w/Rebuys 278583178 18 $0.00 0.00
07/31/2010 12:00 PM AIPS V #12 - 2-7 Triple Draw 278585027 21 $0.00 0.00
08/11/2010 9:00 PM AIPS V #13 - Stud/8 278587846 29 $0.00 0.00
08/28/2010 12:00 PM AIPS V #14 - NLHE 278588844 3 $27.00 59.59
09/08/2010 9:00 PM AIPS V #15 - NLHE 307155808 2 $56.70 89.38
09/25/2010 12:00 PM AIPS V #16 - PLO8 307162086 35 $0.00 0.00
10/13/2010 9:00 PM AIPS V #17 - 5-Card Draw 307170033 24 $0.00 0.00
10/30/2010 12:00 PM AIPS V #18 - NLHE 307173427 10 $0.00 0.00
11/10/2010 9:00 PM AIPS V #19 - NLHE 307176025 25 $0.00 0.00
11/27/2010 12:00 PM AIPS V #20 - HORSE 307179668 14 $0.00 0.00
12/08/2010 9:00 PM AIPS V #21 - HOSE 307181472 16 $0.00 0.00
12/18/2010 12:00 PM AIPS V #22 - NLHE Heads Up 307197329 17 $0.00 0.00
01/12/2011 9:00 PM AIPS V #23 - NLHE 307206765 38 $0.00 0.00
01/29/2011 12:00 PM AIPS V #24 - Eight Game Mixed 307208639 11 $0.00 0.00
03/16/2011 9:00 PM AIPS VI #1 - Stud 371299491 37 $0.00 0.00